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Washington Township Boat Accident Lawyer

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While uncommon in Washington Township, injuries do still occur on boats. Accidents could be caused by speed, inexperience, mechanical failure, and inattention. In New Jersey there are laws meant to protect people in the event of a boat accident—and attorneys ready to fight on your behalf if you are injured by someone violating one of those rules or otherwise acting irresponsibly.

If you are injured in an accident involving any seafaring vessel, contact a Washington Township boat accident lawyer as soon as possible. With help from one of our dedicated personal injury attorneys, you could build a strong case for compensation from the person or company responsible for your damages.

Types of Boat Crash Cases

Boating accidents involve a variety of unique laws and a wide array of vessels. An incident that occurs on anything from a commercial fishing vessel to a cruise ship could be grounds for a boat accident claim.

In any of these situations, there may be different kinds of defendants. This could include the ship’s owner, its operator, or even those responsible for maintenance on the vessel. No matter who specifically is at fault, a boat accident lawyer in Washington Township could help you identify that party’s degree of liability and take appropriate action to seek restitution for the injuries and losses they caused.

Possible Compensation Options

There are two primary kinds of damages for which an injured person and his or her personal attorney could seek compensation after a boating accident. Economic damages include all expenses that have a definite value and that directly result from the accident. Medical bills, total lost wages as a result of an injury, and the cost of replacing or repairing damaged property are all types of economic damages.

Non-economic damages are less objective and include more intangible costs related to an accident and ensuing injuries. These forms of damage may include the value of the plaintiff’s pain and suffering, their loss of enjoyment in life as a result of their injury, the toll of disfigurement or the loss of a limb, loss of consortium with a spouse, and similar issues.

Our firm has extensive experience itemizing damages and arguing for more substantial compensation than the defendant’s insurance company may be willing to offer. With the help of a Washington Township attorney, you and your family may be able to maximize the amount of compensation you receive for your boat accident injuries.

Special Requirements Under New Jersey Law

Boating accidents are specifically regulated under New Jersey state law. New Jersey Legislative Statutes §7-34.46 establishes the following primary requirements for actions to be taken after boating accidents:

  • Any operator/driver involved must give their personal information to other involved parties or face serious fines and jail time
  • When an accident results in death, injury, a person’s disappearance, or excessive property damage, it must be reported to the Division of State Police
  • The boating accident report must be made within ten days of the accident
  • This initial report will not be used in court and cannot be used as evidence

Work with a Washington Township Boat Accident Attorney

Our experienced personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and experience needed to take on your claim effectively. If you or a loved one suffered an injury in a boat accident, contact a Washington Township boat accident lawyer today to begin discussing your case and working toward appropriate compensation. The sooner you call, the sooner we could begin working on your claim.

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