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Washington Township Car Accident Lawyer

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Motor vehicle accidents are unfortunately common and often lead to severe injuries and even death. If you suffered injuries or property damage after an auto collision, consider contacting an attorney for help.

A Washington Township car accident lawyer could provide you with essential information about your legal rights, help you navigate insurance claims, and file a lawsuit for financial compensation if necessary. It is crucial to take action as soon as possible, as deadlines apply to car crash claims.

Injuries and Damages after an Auto Collision in Washington Township

Local courts recognize that car wreck victims often suffer both physical and emotional injuries, as well as substantial damage to their vehicles or other property. In fact, insurance companies often total cars due to damage sustained in a wreck, even for seemingly minor issues.

Life-Altering Injuries

Many motor vehicle accidents in our area result in severe and life-altering injuries. Those who suffer injuries in an accident borne of negligence may be able to file a claim for compensation to cover medical bills, future healthcare expenses, and wages lost during the recovery period.

Wrongful Death

The most severe damage someone can sustain in a car accident is the loss of a loved one. If the wreck was due to the negligent or reckless behavior of another person or party, the decedent’s surviving family members may be able to file a wrongful death claim on their loved one’s behalf. Wrongful death claims can cover losses such as income from the decedent, their pain and suffering, and the family’s emotional trauma of living life without their loved one.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Our Area

To obtain financial compensation after an auto collision, the injured person must demonstrate that another motorist was driving recklessly or negligently at the time of their accident. Common forms of reckless or negligent driving include:

  • Drunk driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Road rage
  • Violating traffic laws
  • Failing to take precautions for weather and/or road conditions

Whether the injured person is pursuing financial compensation through an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit, establishing that another motorist was driving negligently is crucial in obtaining monetary compensation. A Washington Township lawyer who specializes in car accident cases may be of great assistance here.

Role of Comparative Negligence in Washington Township Car Crash Cases

Drivers who have been injured in an auto accident may face allegations of contributory negligence. In other words, an at-fault driver may allege that an injured claimant contributed to the accident and severity of their own injuries. However, the claimant may still be entitled to receive financial compensation for their damages under state comparative negligence law.

Under New Jersey Revised Statutes §2A:15-5.2, financial compensation can be awarded to partially responsible individuals for a car accident, as long as their percentage of responsibility does not exceed 51. For example, if the injured motorist was speeding when they got hit by a drunk driver, they may be deemed partially at fault for the auto accident.

However, they still may be able to obtain some financial compensation if a jury determines that the drunk driver was the primary cause of the wreck. An attorney in Washington Township understands the law and could offer a professional legal analysis of ant car crash case.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

While insurance plays a role in compensating those who have been injured or lost their vehicles due to traffic accidents, it is essential to remember that insurance companies are businesses most concerned with their bottom line.

Anyone injured in a car accident should be on the lookout for lowball settlement offers from insurance companies hoping to end the matter quickly and cheaply. A well-versed lawyer may be able to help during the settlement negotiation process with an insurance company.

Auto Accident Claim Deadlines

Injury claims are generally subject to deadlines under state law. Under N.J.R.S. §2A:14-2, personal injury claims must be filed within two years of the date of a car accident.

This deadline may be modified depending on the circumstances. It can be lengthened or shortened for a variety of factors, so it is vital to get legal help from a Washington Township attorney when considering whether to file a civil claim after a car crash.

Contact a Washington Township Car Accident Attorney Today

If you were injured or suffered property damage in an auto wreck, you have a limited time to take legal action. Contacting a Washington Township car accident lawyer may help you understand your legal options, and letting an attorney take the lead in your case allows you to focus on recovering from your injuries and losses.

If you hire an attorney, they may be able to act as your advocate and take your claims to court if necessary. Call our firm today for the legal assistance you need.