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Egg Harbor Township Truck Accident Lawyer

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New Jersey is a thriving mecca for trucking companies with over one hundred companies located within the relatively small state. Billions of dollars worth of freight pass through New Jersey daily in large, unwieldy trucks, including through peaceful Egg Harbor Township. Most of the goods and services we use daily arrive because we depend on the trucking industry, but with New Jersey’s roadways congested with fully loaded trucks weighing as much as 80,000 pounds, a collision with a small passenger vehicle can be catastrophic.

If you or your loved one sustained serious injuries in an accident involving a commercial truck in Egg Harbor Township, you need an experienced lawyer to navigate the complex issues of liability in truck accidents.

Reach out to the attorneys at Grungo Law in our Egg Harbor Law office today for a free consultation so we can begin working on your case.

Determining Liability in Egg Harbor Truck Accident Claims

New Jersey’s no-fault insurance system requires accident victims to file claims against their own insurance company, but most Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage plans limit the amount you can claim and don’t allow compensation for pain and suffering. The attorneys at Grungo Law understand how to navigate the state’s complex insurance laws to determine the best course of action when a large commercial truck was at fault in your accident. Your insurance policy may allow you to pursue damages from a liable party’s insurance if your damages far exceed the limits of your policy, including seeking an unlimited amount for pain and suffering.
Proving liability in a truck accident can be challenging, and requires an experienced attorney to investigate. Possible liable parties could be:

  • The truck driver if he/she is an independent contractor
  • The trucking company
  • A freight-loading company
  • A third-party contractor
  • A truck manufacturer
  • A trucking repair and maintenance company
  • A trucking parts and equipment manager

Depending on the circumstances of your accident, any of the above entities could bear liability for the accident and must provide compensation for your damages once your Grungo Law attorney crafts a compelling case for liability by showing the following legal points of liability:

  • That the liable party owed a duty of care to take reasonable precautions to keep others sharing the roadway with the commercial truck safe from harm
  • That they acted negligently and breached that duty
  • That the negligent breach of duty directly caused the accident
  • That the accident caused injuries that led to real economic and non-economic damages

What Compensation Can I Claim in a Truck Accident Case in Egg Harbor Township?

When a heavily-loaded large truck has an accident with a passenger vehicle, the driver and passengers in the smaller vehicle often sustain grave or catastrophic injuries. Even with less serious injuries, the medical bills may quickly escalate while you’re unable to work because you’re recovering from your injuries and medical procedures. A successful truck accident claim can help you recover the following damages:

  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses if you require further care or treatment
  • Lost wages
  • Diminished earning capacity if you’re left with an impairment or disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Any other appropriate non-economic damages like disfigurement, loss of limb, emotional trauma (sometimes applicable if the accident was due to road rage or particularly traumatizing), loss of pleasure in life

While financial compensation can’t erase the harm caused by a truck accident, it can help you to find the best medical care to maximize your recovery to the fullest potential and help ease economic worries while you heal.

Why Choose Us for Your Egg Harbor Truck Accident Claim?

At Grungo Law, we understand the trauma and devastation that results when a 4,000-pound car and a large commercial truck collide. Severe injuries impact the entire family and all aspects of your life. You may have concerns about your ability to support your family while you’re healing or adjusting to life-altering injuries, and some of your loved ones may have also sustained injuries. We want to help you secure full compensation for your damages so you can turn your focus to healing and moving forward. Call or contact our Egg Harbor truck accident lawyers today for a free consultation on your case.