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April Recipient, Family First: Adeline Cola

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Posted on April 16, 2023

Adeline Cola Addie began working with GC in 2018 and is coming up on her 5th year with the firm! She began her
time here as a clerk, sending and filing mail. Shortly after, she was promoted to Administrative Assistant,
which includes working with the litigation paralegals, attorneys, the HR administrator, and much more.
She communicates with almost every team member at the firm, as she has many responsibilities. From
solving tech issues to ensuring that client files are handled promptly, “How she accomplishes everything
is truly admirable,” said South Jersey injury lawyer Rich Grungo.
Addie has an Associate’s degree in Office Systems Technology and a Bachelor’s degree in Political
Science. She applies her extensive knowledge to all of the work that she does here and is a valued
member of the team. Addie’s unique skillset has made her invaluable as our liaison with SJ Techies.
Outside the workplace, Addie is very dedicated to her family life. “The way she cares for and loves her
family is deeply touching,” said Rich.