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Evesham Township Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

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While it is the role of nursing homes to provide safe conditions to residents, abuse, unfortunately, happens in these facilities more often than you might expect. If you or your loved one has been abused physically, emotionally, or financially in an Evesham Township nursing home, contact a steadfast personal injury attorney right away.

Nursing home abuse can be challenging to identify without qualified legal guidance. If you or someone in your life is suffering from abuse at the hands of a caregiver, get in touch with a compassionate Evesham Township nursing home abuse lawyer right away.

Duties of Local Nursing Homes

Evesham Township adheres to several state laws which specifically outline the duties that nursing homes and their staff members owe to residents. For example, New Jersey Revised Statutes §30:13-3 requires caregivers to:

  • Maintain complete records of residents’ monetary deposits
  • Provide residents with spiritual requests as needed
  • Admit residents according to the facility’s caring capacity
  • Offer necessary and reasonable care to residents

If nursing home staff or administrators violate one or more of these duties, a dedicated Evesham Township nursing home abuse attorney may be able to show a court that their breach of care led to your injuries.

Potential Causes of Caregiver Abuse

Negligent employees or owners of a nursing home may be required to pay compensation for any injuries which their carelessness causes. Recoverable damages can cover economic losses like hospitals bills and pain and suffering.

Some of the most common forms of nursing home abuse include understaffing, negligent hiring, fraud, improper training, and assault. A seasoned nursing home abuse lawyer in Evesham Township could examine a facility’s actions to determine whether staff members and/or administrators took the proper steps to avoid negligence.


Many people take up employment at a nursing home because of their desire to help others. However, even the most compassionate employee can only do so much in a facility that is chronically understaffed.

Understaffing can lead to avoidable injuries to residents when there are not enough employees to care for everyone adequately. For instance, when an entire hall is under the care of only one staff member as opposed to several, that nursing home’s administration could be held responsible for any injuries that occur on the employee’s watch.

Negligent Hiring

Whether he or she has a criminal record or a lack of experience, hiring a risky employee can constitute negligence if he or she subsequently harms a resident. It is the responsibility of a nursing home to check applicants’ backgrounds before hiring.


Many residents of Evesham Township nursing homes are financially vulnerable, making them ideal targets for fraud or theft by dishonest nursing home staff members. This kind of abuse can go on for a long time, as it may be challenging for a resident to notice whether a trusted caregiver has tampered with his or her funds.

Improper Training

It is the obligation of an Evesham Township nursing home to properly train its staff. If a facility fails to do so, any subsequent injuries caused by inadequately trained staff members may serve as grounds for a civil claim.


Any form of assault, whether committed by an employee or a fellow resident of a nursing home, could be grounds for negligence. A nursing home may be liable if its lack of security allowed an assault to take place.

How an Evesham Township Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Could Help

If you or someone important in your life has suffered an injury due to negligent treatment from a nursing home, you should retain skilled legal counsel right away. The earlier a knowledgeable Evesham Township nursing home abuse lawyer can investigate a claim of abuse, the better your chances may be for recovering damages. Contact us today to start reviewing the details of your case.