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Evesham Township Front-End Car Accidents

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Front-end auto accidents happen when two vehicles collide head-on and commonly cause significant bodily harm and property damage. If you suffered severe injuries in an Evesham Township front-end car accident, a well-practiced lawyer could help you seek compensation from the other driver. A knowledgeable car accident attorney from our team will have considerable experience with cases involving auto collisions and could discuss your options for moving forward.

Common Front-End Collision Injuries

Front-end collisions are dangerous and may even be deadly in some circumstances. The force of a head-on crash could cause serious damages, and those which occur at extremely high speeds are especially likely to cause catastrophic injuries to all involved parties.

Because of the impact and speed associated with these accidents, front-end car crashes commonly cause the following injuries:

An experienced lawyer could defend and advocate for your interests during court proceedings and pursue the compensation you deserve after sustaining an injury in an Evesham Township head-on collision.

Determining Liability in a Head-On Car Crash

Some front-end accidents have an easily discernible liable party. A dedicated lawyer could help you identify responsible parties, as many collisions involve more than one. Common causes of head-on auto crashes include:

  • Speeding
  • Motorists falling asleep at the wheel
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

In some situations, an at-fault driver’s vehicle may have mechanical issues that result in a front-end car wreck. For example, faulty brakes could cause a motorist to lose control of his or her car and swerve into the oncoming lane. In such cases, the vehicle manufacturer or the maker of the defective car component could be held liable for any damages which result from a subsequent crash.

In Evesham Township, a plaintiff’s compensatory award is calculated according to the state’s contributory negligence law under New Jersey Statutes §2A:15-5.1. If a judge or jury determines that the injured party is more than 50 percent responsible for the crash which caused his or her damages, he or she would be barred from receiving any financial recovery whatsoever.

Otherwise, if a person injured in an Evesham Township front-end car crash bears partial liability for his or her own losses, their compensation would be reduced in proportion to their assigned percentage of fault. Fortunately, one of our skilled attorneys could review the circumstances of your case to help determine liability and identify all responsible parties.

Recoverable Damages

State law allows injured claimants to pursue both compensatory and punitive damages in a civil suit. A plaintiff’s compensatory damages include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Diminished earning capacity

Punitive damages may be awarded at the court’s discretion, as these are designed to punish an at-fault motorist for particularly egregious misconduct as well as to deter others from acting similarly in the future. State law says that an award of punitive damages may not exceed five times the plaintiff’s compensatory award. Obtaining maximum compensation after an Evesham Township front-end car wreck can be made easier with the professional help and guidance of our steadfast legal team.

Ask an Attorney about Evesham Township Front-End Car Collisions

You should not have to face the consequences of an Evesham Township front-end car accident on your own. A diligent lawyer could help you learn more about your legal rights and the options available to you. Call now to schedule your consultation to get started on your case.

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