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Burlington County Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

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Any injury involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering to an individual is considered catastrophic. Injuries that prevent you or loved ones from ever holding gainful employment are catastrophic. Unfortunately, those whose are the victims of a serious injury know how every aspect of their life is affected.

A catastrophe could result from a motor vehicle accident, medical error, or defective product, and these injuries irrevocably change an injured person’s life, and could deprive them of the opportunity to have gainful employment or a normal life. Catastrophic injuries often affect the brain or spine, leaving movement, cognitive ability, or both, forever compromised.

If you or a loved one are facing the aftermath of a catastrophic injury, a Burlington County catastrophic injury lawyer is here to help. In addition, a Burlington County personal injury lawyer has the skills and resources to negotiate financial compensation on behalf of those experiencing traumatic, life-altering circumstances.

Compensatory Damages and Punitive Damages

In New Jersey, catastrophic injury compensation comes in two different forms: compensatory and punitive damages. Compensatory damages include costs associated with:

  • Past, present, and future medical treatment, rehabilitation, and adaptive equipment
  • Lost income
  • Property damage, for motor vehicle and similar injuries
  • Pain and suffering, and mental anguish

Punitive damages may be awarded when the defendant intentionally caused the situation leading to the accident, or their actions were especially reckless. Punitive damages are not solely meant as punishment, but also in order to deter similar future actions. The Punitive Damages Act caps punitive damages at $350,000, or five times the amount of compensatory damages, whatever is greater. To receive punitive damages, the claimant, or plaintiff, must prove with clear and convincing evidence that the harm was caused by the defendant’s acts or omissions, or what the defendant did, or failed to do. The plaintiff must also prove that the defendant acted with malice and willfully disregarded that someone may be harmed by their negligence and intentions.

New Jersey’s statute of limitations requires that catastrophic injury lawsuits are filed within two years of the incident. However, in cases of birth injury due to medical malpractice, the suit must be filed before the child turns 13.

Filing An Injury Claim

Pursuing a catastrophic injury claim in Burlington County requires significant resources. A Burlington County catastrophic injury lawyer aggressively investigates all aspects of the case toward reaching an outcome that addresses not one, but all components of the injury claim. That includes not only examining medical and emergency response reports, but hiring experts to examine the victim, review the case, and testify in court. If someone was injured on the job, New Jersey worker’s compensation pays for medical expenses and various benefits. Burlington County workers compensation attorneys are able to guide clients and their families through the often complex worker’s compensation process.

Experienced Burlington catastrophic injury attorneys understand that the injured party and their family have suffered a trauma and their lives have been turned upside down. Clients are compassionately guided through the legal process as their lawyer fights for their rights. Should the injured person die as a result of their injuries, Burlington County catastrophic injury lawyers will pursue a wrongful death suit.

Contacting A Burlington County Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury due to the negligence or intentional acts of another, you need the services of a Burlington County catastrophic injury lawyer. Contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible to review your case and discuss your options going forward. A skilled catastrophic injury attorney in Burlington believes communication is the cornerstone of a strong attorney-client relationship and they are committed to providing every client open, honest, and responsive answers to their questions and concerns.