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New Jersey Paralysis Injury Lawyer

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A paralysis injury can alter the course of a person’s life. If you or a loved one have experienced paralysis following an accident, a South Jersey injury attorney may be able to help your family recover its losses.

Paralysis may require ongoing care or permanently remove you from your lifestyle and work. There are many forms of damages you may be able to seek in a paralysis injury lawsuit. A New Jersey paralysis injury lawyer could help you through this difficult time by fighting for the compensation you deserve.

Long-Term Damages Associated with Paralysis

Obvious issues associated with paralysis include a new dependency on assistive equipment and time out of work, but there are other long-term issues to be considered as well. These issues go hand in hand with the types of damages for which the injured party may bring a case.

Economic Damages

Economic damages have an easily measured value. For example, if a construction worker suffers a fall and becomes paralyzed, his economic damages will likely include hospital bills not covered by insurance and time out of work. Both of these can be measured because they have a numeric value. Long-term issues such as the need for rehabilitation, continued doctor visits, corrective or supportive surgery, medications, and occupational therapies would also be considered economic damages.

If you experienced a head injury that turns into a paralysis issue, please speak to a brain injury lawyer in South Jersey today.

Non-Economic Damages

The value of non-economic damages is not clearly defined. In the long term, a person with paralysis may experience pain and suffering, loss of companionship, loss of quality of life, or many other damages. Compensation for the less tangible elements of an injury falls under non-economic damages and often requires the experience of an accident attorney in South Jersey to define.

Types of Paralysis

Paralysis is a varied diagnosis and comes in many forms. Not all types of paralysis are permanent. Some types of paralysis require surgery or physical therapy. The most common types of paralysis injuries in New Jersey are:

  • Local paralysis of one body part
  • Quadriplegia (paralysis in both legs and arms)
  • Paraplegia (paralysis below the waist)
  • Hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body)

There are also lesser degrees of paralysis which may weaken the muscles but not entirely debilitate them. Car accidents, motorcycle accidents, work-related injuries, and private property fall account for many cases of partial or complete paralysis. Most types of paralytic injuries can form the bases of a successful legal claim if the injured party is not at fault for the accident.

Contact a New Jersey Paralysis Injury Attorney Today

A paralytic injury is often life-altering. Even if recovery from paralysis is possible in your case, the recovery process may take years. During this challenging time, you do not need to fight for the best outcome for your case alone. A New Jersey paralysis injury lawyer may be able to help you navigate through the legal process. If you are not at fault for your accident and injury, you may be entitled to a fair settlement. Reach out today for a personal consultation with a qualified New Jersey attorney.