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Reasons for AED Failure in New Jersey

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There is no disputing the fact that automated external defibrillators (AEDs) can potentially save the life of a cardiac arrest victim. These medical devices can also be the difference-maker in public places where AEDs are mandated to be open and available to the public in times of distress.

While AEDs offer a victim a lifeline in situations where help is on its way, it can also prove to be deadly when they fail to perform as intended. Between 2005 and 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recorded roughly 45,000 adverse events associated with the failure of an automated external defibrillator, as reported by the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation.

There are various possible reasons for AED failure in New Jersey, with some of the most common including technical faults like shoddy circuitry, low batteries, and poor maintenance. While nothing can replace the loss of a loved one due to the failure of an AED, exploring your legal options with an experienced AED attorney could provide you with insight on what you could do to seek financial compensation for your losses.

AED Functionality

Most sudden cardiac arrests (SCA) result from a rapid and unsynchronized heart rhythm known as ventricular fibrillation (VF) that originates in the lower chambers of the heart. AEDs are designed to administer an electrical shock through the chest and into the heart of a targeted individual, therefore stabilizing the cessation or disruption of normal heartbeats.

During cardiac arrest, there is usually little to no room for comfort as the heart must be “defibrillated” quickly to increase the person’s chances of survival. For every single minute of asystole, the chances of survival drop by seven to 10 percent.

In many respects, there is truly no way to overstate the potential importance of an AED to a heart attack victim. The American Heart Association has estimated that roughly 100,000 deaths in the United States can be prevented on an annual basis if defibrillators were made more available to the public. If you have any questions about the functionality of AEDs, consult with one of our knowledgeable lawyers.

Role of Maintenance in AED Cases

In terms of assessing the primary reasons for AED failures in New Jersey, it is important to take a close look at the maintenance and repair requirements for these medical devices. Considering the fact that a cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival can decrease dramatically in mere seconds, AEDs must be maintained and tested according to the manufacturer’s operational guidelines.

Various industry experts have conducted reviews on the reasons for AED failure in New Jersey and have found numerous areas of concern, such as:

  • Issues with the devices’ cables
  • Failure to replace pads
  • Dead batteries
  • Software issues
  • Faulty components
  • Poorly written user guides

The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation also discovered that insufficiently charged batteries or other issues relating to the power source were responsible for 45 to 50 percent of device problems connected to fatalities. These statistics underscore the importance of routine maintenance and quality control in regard to AEDs.

Helping Those Affected by AED Failures in New Jersey

There are no justifiable reasons for AED failure in New Jersey, especially if negligent maintenance results in an avoidable death. AED failures can yield devastating consequences for families, especially since if the unit were to function as promised, a life could have been saved.

If your loved one suffered a fatal cardiac arrest due to a malfunctioning AED, professional legal advice from a local attorney may help you fight for fair compensation and accountability. For more information, give us a call today.

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