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Passyunk Square Personal Injury Lawyer

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From world-famous cheesesteak vendors like Pat’s and Geno’s to small local shops and gastropubs, Passyunk Square is one of the busiest and most diverse neighborhoods in Philadelphia. Unfortunately, a lot of people in such a small area increase the risk of accidents stemming from reckless or careless conduct that could cause serious harm to many people involved.

If another person’s irresponsible behavior led directly to your physical harm, you may want to speak with a Passyunk Square personal injury lawyer. Even if you have strong grounds to demand comprehensive civil compensation, taking full advantage of your rights could be challenging without a seasoned attorney’s guidance.

Recovering for Damages After a Personal Injury

Whether it happens through a traffic accident, unreasonably dangerous hazard on private property, misconduct by a healthcare professional, or any other means, a person who sustains an injury due to someone else’s negligence may file a suit against them that covers all their ensuing losses. While what counts as negligent behavior can vary substantially from case to case, it generally entails someone owing a duty to act responsibly around others, violating that obligation in some way, and directly causing harm as a result.

A person proven negligent and therefore liable for causing an accident may be held accountable for both economic and non-economic losses traced to that incident, including:

  • All past and future medical expenses
  • Lost work income
  • Lost ability to engage in hobbies
  • Personal property damage
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional and psychological distress
  • Lost overall enjoyment and quality of life

However, numerous rules established under Pennsylvania state law and court precedent may limit a person’s right to pursue civil restitution in a situation like this. Most notably, a person’s right to recover comprehensively after an auto accident may be limited by what type of car insurance policy they have. A knowledgeable attorney in Passyunk Square could explain the limitations regarding compensation in a personal injury claim.

What Deadlines Apply to Passyunk Square Civil Claims?

Pennsylvania law places another legal restriction on personal injury litigation called the statute of limitations. 42 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes §5524 sets a time limit on pursuing compensation for an injury caused by another person’s negligence. Most prospective plaintiffs have no more than two years after an accident to begin the litigation process.

Even though there are no strict deadlines for starting or concluding settlement negotiations over a personal injury, letting the statute of limitations expire could mean a defendant is not held accountable for their careless actions through a lawsuit. Seeking assistance from a personal injury lawyer as quickly as possible following a severe accident in or around Passyunk Square is vital to filing within the state’s deadlines.

Talk to a Passyunk Square Personal Injury Attorney Today

No matter how your injury happened, pursuing a civil claim is not something you should handle alone. Procedural quirks and legal obstacles could get in the way of recovery in cases like this, and guidance from a skilled legal professional could be key to navigating them efficiently.

A conversation with a Passyunk Square personal injury lawyer could provide much-needed clarity about your next steps. Call our team today to discuss your legal options.

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