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New Jersey Workplace Retaliation

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One of the most common concerns of employees who wish to take action against an injustice they’ve experienced or witnessed in the workplace is that they’ll suffer retaliation for speaking out. When your livelihood depends on the goodwill of an employer, it becomes difficult to stand up for yourself. It helps to understand that among other workplace protections provided by New Jersey state and federal employment law, the state gives employees the right to speak out or take action against employers with the protection of anti-retaliation laws for the workplace.
A New Jersey employment lawyer can help you to understand and assert your rights even against powerful employers without fear of retaliation. Contact the South Jersey office of Grungo Law today so we can offer a free case evaluation and begin working on your case.

Understanding New Jersey Workplace Protections and Retaliation

New Jersey has many workplace protections in place for employees, including a minimum wage requirement and overtime laws. The law also prohibits workplace discrimination, harassment, and other conditions and behaviors that lead to a hostile work environment. An employee has the legal right to make a complaint against an employer for any of the following actions:

  • Using unfair tactics to avoid paying earned overtime
  • Failing to pay the minimum wage
  • Using discriminatory hiring or advancement policies
  • Failing to provide unpaid leave for new mothers
  • Failing to accommodate lactating mothers
  • Not properly addressing complaints of sexual harassment
  • Discriminating based on gender, gender identity, race, or disability

When an employer is guilty of one of the above and an employee takes a stand for financial compensation through a lawsuit or other measures, they have every right to seek compensation for their financial losses and more and must be free to do so without worries about workplace retaliation. For this reason, the state enacted unlawful retaliation laws. By law, an employer cannot retaliate against an employee for reporting illegal behaviors or fraud, refusing to participate in fraudulent or illegal activities at work, or participating in an investigation against their employer.

What Constitutes Unlawful Retaliation in New Jersey?

When an employee makes a complaint to human resources, becomes a whistleblower due to employer wrongdoing, files a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or seeks compensation for damages due to unlawful employment practices, their employers may not retaliate against them thanks to anti-retaliation provisions included in New Jersey’s anti-discrimination and workplace protection laws. Retaliation methods may include:

  • Wrongful termination
  • Creating a hostile work environment to force a resignation
  • Denying opportunities for advancement
  • Demoting an individual for taking action

These and other actions against an employee who made a legal effort to right wrongs committed against themselves or others violate the state’s laws against workplace retaliation, leaving the employer open to a lawsuit or a second lawsuit if the original action against them was a workplace lawsuit.

Why Choose Us for Your New Jersey Workplace Retaliation Lawsuit?

At Grungo Law, we understand the damage that comes from facing retaliation measures from those on whom you depend for a living wage. While no employer relishes the idea of being involved in a lawsuit, they have no legal right to address the lawsuit with acts of retaliation that not only harm the instigator of the lawsuit or investigation but also discourage others from coming forward in the future.

No one should go it alone against powerful employers when an attempt to assert their legally protected rights results in workplace retaliation. Workplace retaliation is not only unjust but also prohibited under New Jersey state laws. Call our South Jersey Workplace retaliation law office today so we can begin working on your case and ensuring your protection. Never be afraid to speak out for your rights.