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Camden County Truck Accident Wrongful Death Lawyer

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Truck accidents in Camden County can have serious repercussions, such as the wrongful death of innocent individuals. There are many causes of truck accidents that lead to wrongful death claims, and they often involve a truck driver being fatigued, overworked, or distracted. If you have a loved one who has passed due to a truck accident caused by the negligence of another, you may be entitled to compensation to recover for your damages and suffering.

It is important to contact a Camden County truck accident wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible. A skilled truck accident lawyer who has experience with the repercussions following an accident, such as the wrongful death of your loved one, will best be able to fight for you and your family’s rights to compensation while you are allowed time to grieve.

Causes of Accidents

There are many causes of truck accidents that lead to wrongful death claims in Camden County, and they often involve a truck driver being fatigued and overworked. A truck driver who has not kept proper logs and has worked beyond their allowed hours under the law, can lead to the driver has been fatigued at the time of an accident. Camden County truck accident wrongful death attorneys also often see cases with truck drivers that have been distracted, whether through the use of a cell phone or other device with respect to the operation of their vehicle, as well as being distracted by the completion of invoices or logs while they are operating their vehicle.

Other causes of truck accidents that Camden County attorneys have experience investigating and representing individuals involve trucks that have not been properly maintained, whether it be their braking systems or other systems or features of their truck that have not been properly maintained and have led to wrongful death.

Proving a Claim

In order to prove a truck accident wrongful death claim, attorneys will require extensive investigations as to the happening of the accident. This involves intensive investigation into the driver’s work history and intensive investigation into the company’s scheduling of the driver and the driver’s schedule on that particular date. This also involves looking into the amount of time the driver was on duty and understanding various regulations that are involved depending on the type of accident.

A Camden County truck accident wrongful death lawyer will retain experts not only on trucking but also on regulations in order to prove that a truck driver was negligent under the law. They would also in a wrongful death case, retain medical experts to explain to a jury the type of injury sustained and how they tragically led to someone’s death.

Recoverable Damages

In Camden County, a person can recover damages for their medical bills associated with an accident, any lost wages they incur as a result of an accident, any out-of-pocket expenses they incur, and their physical injury or emotional injury, which would include pain, suffering, disability, disfigurement, impairment, and the loss of enjoyment of life.

If somebody has been injured as a result of the negligence of another and that injury affects their work, their social life, their ability to take of their family, the ability to take care of themselves and their spouse, and the ability to participate in hobbies, these are the types of damages that someone is entitled to be compensated for.

Liability Investigation

A truck accident wrongful death attorney in Camden County will investigate the truck itself that was involved in the accident to understand if there was any defect in the truck or to understand whether or not there were any issues with the performance of the truck as a result of faulty brakes or some other type of defect in truck itself and if anyone caused that defect. They will also investigate whether or not the truck driver was compliant with the regulations with respect to not only maintenance of the truck but also whether the driver was properly rested or distracted while driving.

This will require an investigation of the driver and the company’s records kept with respect to the truck and its driver—the work history of the driver and whether or not the driver was impaired in any respect. So, any investigation would entail a complete and thorough investigation of the truck itself, the driver, the route of the driver, and the company the driver was working for. This would be done with the use of experts in various fields to understand what happened and to be able to prove someone was at fault.


When building a case and gathering evidence, a wrongful death attorney will want to compile proof of negligence. The first thing that a wrongful death lawyer will seek to do is preserve evidence and begin to gather evidence that can prove a driver was negligent. That type of evidence would include documents involving maintenance of the truck, documents involving the driver’s work history generally, and, more specifically to the time of the accident, information regarding the company and its use of drivers.

Benefit of a Camden County Truck Accident Wrongful Death Lawyer

Most people have never been involved in an accident and do not know their rights. They do not have experience with insurance and do not know what they are entitled to under their insurance policy. An experienced attorney has the knowledge of the person’s rights based on the laws as well as the individual insurance policies and/or state regulations involving insurance. The reason that somebody needs to contact and retain an injury lawyer is to make sure that their rights are protected, that evidence is preserved, and that their opportunity to be fully compensated for their damages is maximized.

Attorneys will know what types of experts to retain to investigate the accident. They will know what types of medical experts to retain to help understand and explain the types of injuries sustained. They will also understand or have experience most likely with the particular insurance company involved. Most importantly, they would have a good understanding of Camden County jurors, judges, and the likely result or verdict in Camden County.

Working with a Lawyer

When a family who has been involved in a truck accident retains a Camden County truck accident wrongful death lawyer, that lawyer’s role is to protect the family. What they will do is work with not only their insurance company, but the other side’s insurance company, the truck driver’s insurance company, to fully investigate the accident, to understand what happened. But always, the primary objective is to protect their client’s rights, to preserve evidence, and to make sure that the clients are compensated fully under the law.