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Traffic Laws for Bicyclists in Camden County

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Because a bike is smaller and does not have an engine, many things apply to a bike differently compared to a motor vehicle. State law requires bicycles to be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the back that must be used during nighttime hours. Both lights must be visible from at least 500 feet. The bike must also have a red reflector mounted on the rear in addition to the red rear lamp.

A bicyclist is subject to Title 39 of the New Jersey Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulation. Because a bicycle is considered a vehicle, traffic laws apply in the same way. However, there are specific traffic laws for bicyclists in Camden County. Those seeking to understand these regulations should speak with a well-versed bicycle accident attorney.

The Importance of Following Traffic Laws

The biggest issue with bikes is that they are not visible and cannot be heard from inside a car. Obeying traffic laws keeps a bicyclist safe since he or she is unprotected from the elements and from other vehicles. Adhering to these road regulations is the best way to prevent bicycle accidents, although some collisions are arguably unavoidable.

Additionally, a bicyclist could be found partially liable for an accident if he or she broke any traffic laws beforehand. If he or she violated any traffic laws for bicyclists in Camden County at the time of the collision, a jury could find that they contributed to their own losses and subsequently reduce the compensatory award for their injuries.

Biking on Pedestrian Walkways in Camden County

Riding a bike on sidewalks is not prohibited by state law, but some municipalities do not allow bicycle traffic on specific sidewalks. Ordinances in each municipality may also change whether a bicyclist is allowed to be on a sidewalk at any given time. For this reason, it is best to consult local legal counsel about traffic laws for bicyclists in Camden County.

Important Laws for Cyclists

Anyone riding a bike must be as close to the right side of the roadway as possible. He or she also has to be cautious when passing parked vehicles or cars traveling in the same direction. A bicyclist may only move to the left on a roadway when he or she is trying to make a left turn or avoid dangerous conditions. He or she can move to the left if they are trying to travel in an available lane at the same speed as other traffic.

He or she can pass a slower vehicle in the left lane, and they are allowed to travel across as long as doing so does not impede other traffic. Otherwise, a bike rider must travel in a single file behind another car and travel in the same direction as the motor vehicle traffic. A bicyclist cannot go the opposite way on the side of the road.

A biker who is under the age of 17 must wear a helmet and keep both hands on the handlebars at all times. He or she cannot carry a passenger if their bike is not designed to do so, and they cannot hitch themselves to another vehicle or streetcar.

Staying Informed on Bicycle Laws

To keep informed about bicycle laws, a person should look at the state’s laws on bike riding under Title 39. Traffic laws for bicyclists in Camden County echo those for motor vehicle operators.  If a bicyclist violates the law and is subsequently involved in an accident, he or she may be barred from recovering any damages whatsoever. Those who are preparing to enter litigation for an accident should consider asking an attorney for legal advice.

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