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The Role of Mediation in Pedestrian Accident Cases in Camden

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As defined by Camden law, mediation is an attempt by both parties to try to get a case resolved without going through a long, drawn-out litigation or a trial. A lot of times, the mediator is either a retired judge or an attorney who has experience in handling these types of matters. Both parties get together, they provide the mediator with the necessary documents, medical records, photographs, incident reports, and everything that kind of pertains to this case.

The mediation is an attempt to try to get the case resolved and it goes back and forth, back and forth, and then eventually, hopefully, if it is a successful mediation, the case will resolve and it will resolve for a number that is a good number for the injured party to hopefully put them in a better position than they were in when they got injured.

Understanding the role of mediation in pedestrian accident cases in Camden can be stressful without the help of a skilled pedestrian accident lawyer. A Camden pedestrian accident lawyer can give you the clarity you need to pursue your case.

Role of the Mediator

The mediator in a pedestrian accident mediation is always going to be either a retired a judge or an attorney who has experience with these types of cases. Then, the way that mediator is selected is it has got to be mutually agreed upon by both parties.

If the other party recommends a mediator but the plaintiff’s personal injury lawyer is not happy with that mediator, they do not agree to it. Both parties need to agree to the mediator and select them.

The most important thing and the goal would be to try to get the case resolved. If they can come to a settlement, that is the ultimate goal of a mediation, but there are some other important things that can happen in mediation with regard to just learning each other’s positions. One may find out what the arguments are from the other side, what their defenses are going to be, what their top value, and if they feel the case is worth as far as a settlement. The ultimate goal of the mediation is to try to get the case resolved.

Preparing for Mediation

A person will want to make sure they have complete and accurate evidence, and that includes not only how the incident occurred but also all of the medical records, all of the medical bills, any liens from health insurance companies if there are any, and lost wages. It is important that the individual put their evidence into a nice mediation statement that is going to be handed to the mediator, which will allow them to look at this case and get an understanding of how this incident has affected our client’s life in hopes of getting that mediator thinking that this case is worth the decided amount.

Mediation can be a useful tool in getting claims resolved quicker and for a good number of clients, it puts them in a good position. If a person has someone who has no experience or does not understand the mediation process, the mediation is not going to be beneficial to that person. It may be beneficial to the insurance company but it is not going to be beneficial to him or her if he or she is not hiring an attorney who has the experience in handling these types of cases.

Plaintiff Participation

The whole point of the meditation is the ability to get the case settled now rather than later. The benefit for a plaintiff is it is a way to try to get the case resolved without having to go to a long, drawn-out litigation and then eventually a trial.

If they do not make a fair settlement offer, then an attorney will go to trial and have no problems going to trial. What mediation can do is allow someone to get the best settlement offer from the defendant and if that number makes sense the case can be resolved.

There are costs associated with the mediation; the mediator is paid a fee, which is usually split 50/50 between both parties. The benefit, though, is whatever the cost of the mediation is, it is usually a lot less than what the cost of going to a trial would be because if a person had to go through a trial, they have to pay experts to testify, he or she has exhibits, he or she has many, many things that go into it. The cost of the mediation is usually a lot less than what the cost of a trial would be.

Role of Insurance Companies

Every case is unique just like every insurance company is different. It is hard to say that all insurance companies approach mediation in any particular way. It depends on the circumstances of each individual case and each individual insurance company. Usually, an insurance company does not agree to mediation unless they are wanting to get the case resolved.

The way that a pedestrian accident lawyer handles mediations is by only entering if there is at least a settlement offer that is relatively fair before allowing the client to appear for a mediation. The lawyer wants to know that the insurance company has the individual’s interest in mind and has made at least a good faith settlement offer before the mediation so we know that, hopefully, the mediation is going to be successful.

The goal is to try to get the case resolved in a mediation but there are times where that just does not happen and a fair offer is not made. Ideally, an individual and their attorney will want to enter a mediation with a number in mind for settling the claim for and if it does not get there, then mediation ends and get the case ready for trial.

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