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Investigating a Cherry Hill Pedestrian Accident

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If a person traveling on foot is struck by a vehicle and the driver flees the scene, they should call 9-1-1 immediately to get the police involved right away. If there were any witnesses around, the individual should get their testimony or any knowledge they have on the accident, if they’re able.

For assistance with investigating a Cherry Hill pedestrian accident, consult with an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. A knowledgeable pedestrian accident attorney can investigate the case and prepare a claim to obtain compensation on your behalf.

Initial Steps

If someone has been involved in a pedestrian accident, the first thing they need to do after calling the police is get the right medical attention. They can certainly speak to a police officer to help investigate the Cherry Hill pedestrian accident, but they should be mindful and careful of what they say, because they may be in a state of shock and confused about what happened. An investigation can help an individual by collecting the facts and preserving evidence.

If someone has been involved in a pedestrian accident, they should get the right medical care, cooperate with police officers, and immediately contact a lawyer to protect their rights.

Collecting Necessary Evidence

An injury law firm can help a pedestrian who has been involved in an accident investigate and preserve evidence. They can do this by not only going out to the scene and taking pictures, but also by doing research in public records to determine the frequency of accidents and things of that nature in whatever particular intersection it occurred.

Also, an individual might want to hire a private investigator when first investigating a Cherry Hill pedestrian accident case so witnesses can be talked to and evidence can be gathered. Further, a private investigator can hire specific experts, such as accident reconstructionists to look at the physical evidence and help determine responsibility for the pedestrian’s injuries.

Any physical evidence at the scene of a pedestrian accident case is important and must be gathered during an investigation. Physical evidence may include surveillance footage of the speed of the vehicle involved, the location of the vehicle as well as the pedestrian, the lighting conditions, as well as the traffic control devices in the surrounding area. Any type of physical evidence is significant in investigating a pedestrian accident case in Cherry Hill.

Talking to the Other Party’s Insurance

A pedestrian involved in an accident should not be talking to the other party’s insurance company without legal representation. After getting appropriate medical care, they should contact an experienced lawyer who can talk to the insurance company for them.

The other party’s insurance company can sometimes disrupt the investigative process associated with a pedestrian accident in Cherry Hill. It is important that an individual first consult with a knowledgeable attorney before discussing settlement or legal terms with any party to ensure that they are being properly represented. Doing so can help an individual obtain a successful outcome in their case.