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Steps to Take following a Pedestrian Accident in Cherry Hill

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The first thing that anybody should do if they have been involved in a pedestrian accident is to get appropriate medical care. That is the number one priority whether or not the individual is the operator of the vehicle or a witness or a friend of the person hurt. The first thing a person should do is call 9-1-1.

Following medical treatment and a police report, it is then important that they consult with an experienced pedestrian injury attorney as soon as possible. A knowledgeable lawyer could help you understand the steps to take following a pedestrian accident in Cherry Hill to recover evidence and get the information of any witnesses who may be able to help strengthen an injury claim later on.

Common Fact Patterns

Many times, pedestrian are injured at intersections where there may or may not be a crosswalk and/or there may or may not be a signal for pedestrians to proceed. Based on fact patterns, many of these cases involve intersectional accidents where people are crossing the road on foot.

Perhaps drivers are making right-hand turns and not paying attention when an individual is crossing a road, and unfortunately, the pedestrian is likely to suffer catastrophic injuries due to a collision. Other incidents involve distracted drivers not yielding the right of way to pedestrians who enter a crosswalk.

Contacting the Police

A crucial step people should take after being involved in a Cherry Hill pedestrian accident is calling the police. It is very important for an individual to speak to the police, if possible, so that the police understand exactly what happened. That way, evidence can start being preserved, and witnesses can be located who can provide more information to help show who was responsible for the pedestrian’s injuries.

Following up with a Doctor

After being injured in a pedestrian accident in Cherry Hill, it is also critical to follow up with a medical professional and follow their advice. In many cases, people receive injuries that they did not realize they had until days, weeks, or months after the incident, because they were in shock initially at the accident scene or had other priorities. Other injuries may have taken precedent and sometimes, those minor injuries turned out to be much worse.

The most important step someone can take after being involved in a pedestrian accident is to get the right medical care and follow their doctor’s advice. This is a critical thing that an individual must do after being harmed in a pedestrian accident in our area.

Collecting Information

If somebody has been involved in a pedestrian accident and they are able to collect the driver’s information, they should. If possible, they should take a picture of the person’s driver’s license and the vehicle involved in the accident, as well as the location of where the vehicle landed after the collision.

This information should be collected immediately if the injured person is physically able to do so following a pedestrian accident in Cherry Hill. They should take pictures of the area where the incident occurred and document any physical damage in the area, whether it is a vehicle or other sort of property in the area.

If the driver who caused the pedestrian accident flees the scene, all the pedestrian can do when the police get there is tell them everything they know about what happened and what they observed. They can hope that there are other witnesses and/or cameras in the area to help prove who was responsible for the incident.

An injured pedestrian should also try to obtain the names of any witnesses who may be in the area and make a record at some point of the time of day, the weather conditions, and any other information that may be necessary for the future to help prove responsibility for the incident.

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