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Cherry Hill Defective Products Lawyer

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Whether you do your shopping online, in person, or through a combination of the two, you have a right to expect that the products you purchase will be reasonably safe to use as directed. Unfortunately, not every manufacturer lives up to this obligation owed to consumers, and some consumers suffer serious physical, financial, and personal losses as a result.

If an item you bought was unreasonably dangerous or defective, a conversation with a Cherry Hill personal injury attorney may be in your best interests. A dedicated Cherry Hill defective products lawyer with experience handling product liability claims could provide customized and compassionate support throughout every stage of the legal process.

Manufacturer Liability for Defective Consumer Goods

Unlike many other types of personal injury cases, legal professionals generally build defective product claims around a theory of strict liability rather than the theory of negligence. This means that an injured plaintiff only has to prove that the product was made by the defendant manufacturer and was not tampered with after it left the manufacturer’s control to hold a manufacturer liable for the harm their item caused.

New Jersey Revised Statutes §2A:58C-2 establishes three distinct types of defects that could justify a product liability lawsuit. First, a design defect is a fundamental flaw in a product’s design that makes all incarnations of the item unreasonably dangerous. Next, a manufacturing defect is a flaw stemming from improper construction or assembly of a safely designed product.

Finally, a marketing defect is a failure by the manufacturer to provide instructions for proper use and/or warnings about improper use on or inside a product’s packaging. An attorney in the Cherry Hill area could help pursue litigation over any of these types of product defects.

What Damages Could Be Recoverable after Using a Dangerous Product?

A successful claim filed under product liability law allows a person injured by a defective item to recover the full value of the damages that the defect caused them to suffer. These damages can be economic or non-economic in nature.

Through a comprehensive lawsuit or settlement demand, a product liability lawyer in Cherry Hill could help an injured individual hold a manufacturer financially liable for:

  • Medical expenses, including those for future rehabilitative care
  • Missed income and/or diminished earning capacity
  • Costs of replacing damaged personal property, including the defective product itself
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life and other consequences of a long-term or permanent injury

Speak with a Cherry Hill Defective Products Attorney Today

While any type of personal injury lawsuit can be difficult to manage alone, obtaining civil compensation from a product manufacturing company can be next to impossible without experienced legal counsel by your side. Beyond just evening your odds of success against teams of corporate lawyers, a skilled attorney on our team could also ensure you seek fair restitution for all your recoverable damages, not just your immediate medical bills and other short-term financial losses.

If you believe you may have grounds for a product liability lawsuit, contacting a Cherry Hill defective products lawyer should be your next step. Call today to set up a consultation.

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