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Cherry Hill Wrongful Termination Lawyer

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When a worker suddenly loses his or her job, it can put them in a precarious financial position. Unemployment can affect every area of someone’s life. If you believe you were wrongfully terminated, you should speak with an attorney about your legal options.

If you are planning to take legal action against your employer, contact a Cherry Hill wrongful termination lawyer as soon as possible. Our team of employment attorneys could support you throughout your case and work to achieve a positive outcome on your behalf.

At-Will Employment in Cherry Hill

New Jersey is an at-will employment state. This means that most businesses in our area can fire an employee for almost any reason unrelated to discrimination. While losing one’s job is unfortunate, it may not always be considered wrongful termination.

Most workers are at-will employees unless they have entered into a specific agreement that alters this basic relationship with their employer. Employees who are unsure of their employment status could reach out to a knowledgeable wrongful termination attorney at our firm.

Legal Protections for Employees

Wrongful termination occurs when an employer fires an otherwise qualified worker for an illegal reason or purpose. There are laws that protect employees from being unjustly fired, though not everyone is protected by these laws.

Many of these regulations apply only to certain businesses or types of employees. A lawyer could analyze the reasons for which an individual was fired and determine whether a state law or a federal law protects the employee in that situation.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

One law that protects employees from workplace discrimination is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Under this statute, it is illegal for a business owner or manager to terminate an employee on the basis of his or her:

There are several other federal laws that protect employees from being terminated due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions.

The New Jersey Law against Discrimination

In addition to the protections listed above, New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination prohibits employers from firing workers due to their marital status, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, civil union status, or military service. In some cases, employees are protected against discrimination based on age or genetic information. For more information about employees’ protections against wrongful termination under the law, get in touch with a local attorney.

What Challenges Might Someone in the Federal Sector Face in a Wrongful Termination Case?

Aside from the very strict deadlines for reporting and making an internal claim or complaint of wrongful termination within their agency, a federal employee may have additional difficulties because the complaint will be internally investigated and handled by the agency that employs them. If they are complaining about people within the agency to other colleagues, it can certainly complicate their case.

Recovering Damages after Being Wrongfully Fired

If a worker was fired for one of the reasons listed above, he or she may be able to pursue a claim for wrongful termination and obtain damages in the form of lost wages and reinstatement to a previously held position. The worker might even be eligible for punitive damages. With the help of a lawyer, an employee could recover the damages he or she is entitled to in a wrongful termination suit.

What Precautions Should a Person Take when Dealing with a Wrongful Termination?

Any individual who believes they are about to be wrongfully terminated or have already been wrongfully fired should preserve any evidence they may have, such as emails, text messages, or conversations. They should also contact an attorney as soon as possible to evaluate the claim. If the worker hasn’t been fired yet, they can still contact a Cherry Hill lawyer in advance to take steps to either prevent the termination or negotiate a settlement or severance agreement so they do not have a termination on their record.

Is There a Time Limit for Taking Legal Action after a Wrongful Firing?

In Cherry Hill, there are statutes of limitations under the two prevailing laws. The aforementioned Law Against Discrimination provides a two-year statute of limitations for wrongful terminations that arise either due to discrimination or retaliation. The other law is New Jersey’s Conscientious Employee Protection Act, which has a one-year statute of limitations for a retaliatory wrongful termination. There are shorter deadlines for claims brought under federal law. For more details on how either law may impact a specific case, it is best to connect with a local attorney at our firm.

Contact a Cherry Hill Wrongful Termination Attorney Today

As an employee, you have legal protections against unlawful firings. If you believe you were unjustly fired by your employer, contact a Cherry Hill wrongful termination lawyer.

Our team could inform you of your legal rights and help you determine what compensation you may be able to recover. Call us today to schedule an initial consultation with a dedicated attorney.

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